Notes about Sage's integration with OpenTrade
Last updated
Notes about Sage's integration with OpenTrade
Last updated
As a result actions occurring off-chain, Perimeter introduces some changes to the traditional ERC4626 interface:
Assets must first be signaled for withdrawal by submitting a withdrawal or redemption request. Then, a secondary transaction to claim assets can be called after the Payment Date (see #opentrade-schedule).
The amount of shares issued at deposit is calculated on the current cycle's exchange rate at loan maturity, inclusive of the current round's interest.
The Pool contract defers to a WithdrawController contract to manage the available user shares and assets.
The SageVault moves incoming deposits to OpenTrade at the close of the investment window before the netting date. This signals the start of a new Sage Vault epoch.
The SageVault claims any pending redeemable assets to the protocol at OpenTrade's payment date.
USDC must be deposited into the fixed-term USD vault during the Deposit Window, which closes two (2) calendar days before the Loan Commencement Date. The day and time when the Investment Window closes is known as the Settlement Date. USDC must be deposited on or before the Settlement Date to be included in the loan cycle.